SGA executives have transformed UVM

SGA executives have transformed UVM

During the past two years, the entire student body of this University has been blessed to be led by two incredible student leaders.

Since April 2015, Jason Maulucci and Tyler Davis have led this campus with strength, integrity and intelligence. Everything they have sought to complete was done with one thing in mind: the interests of the entire student body.

The majority of students on this campus are disengaged with the student government. Just over 13 percent of students cast their votes in the latest SGA presidential and vice presidential election. Despite this disengagement, however, members of SGA continue to work in pursuit of a better academic experience.

In April 2016, Jason and Tyler were the first SGA executive duo to run unopposed since 1941, a testament to their firm position as trailblazers of this University, and dedication to their roles as student leaders.

It is because of Jason and Tyler that the faculty of this University are working with SGA to restore essential reading days to this campus. It is because of them that CatAlerts regarding sexual assault no longer contain any language that can be misconstrued as victim blaming. It is because of them that students will have easier access to transportation during late hours downtown.

Their passionate advocacy for the students of UVM is an honorable public service, and their steadfast loyalty to this University is admirable.

We applaud them on a job well-done. To the incoming team, we are excited to watch you take this legacy and build on it. You can only go up from here.