From fit checks to important meetings, the Cynic’s photo section has it covered.
Our photographers are always there to support our written words with images that can speak to another aspect of the story.
The Cynic is a place where both experienced and new photographers can work together. It is a space to learn and an opportunity to have one’s work published on a wide-reaching platform.
This year brought many beginner photographers into the section and they flourished.
I am so proud of the growth of our new members for developing their compositional eye and navigating the world of photojournalism.
Let us not forget those experienced photographers who have been with us for years, some of which began their careers in the Cynic.
In a review of the photo section’s work this year, I’d like to shed light on what goes into our work and the people behind the camera.
There are many more photographers on our team and I unfortunately cannot include a photograph from everyone in this retrospective, but all of the work they produced this year was spectacular and I look forward to watching our new members grow in their coming years with the Cynic.