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The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

Don’t rush to grow up

Don’t rush to grow up

Katerina Jerine, Opinion Columnist February 6, 2025

As my 20th birthday looms over me, I feel pressure to fulfill the compulsory craziness of my early 20s before I can even legally drink.  When I was younger, especially as a teen, I longed for the freedom...

Our strings attached: the cultural click

Our strings attached: the cultural click

Olivia Langlan, Opinion Co-Editor February 5, 2025

One busy Sunday at Trader Joe’s, my usual love for customer service was slowly diminishing and small talk lacked its typically lively luster. Disengaged from conversations and attempting to reel my...

Where there’s fire, there’s smoke: David Lynch’s death and the climate crisis

Where there’s fire, there’s smoke: David Lynch’s death and the climate crisis

Ayelet Kaminski, Opinion Co-Editor January 30, 2025

Since Jan. 7, the country has watched wildfires ravage Los Angeles County, devastating neighborhoods like Eaton and the Palisades.  It’s estimated the fires have killed at least 28 people thus far,...

Survival guide: top tips for student teaching

Survival guide: top tips for student teaching

Emma Dinsmore, Digital Media Editor January 29, 2025

Student teaching is the most anticipated semester for all education majors. For my first three years as an elementary education major, I looked up to the seniors with both awe and wonder.  I was...

A compromise on policing in Burlington

A compromise on policing in Burlington

Henry Padnos, Opinion Columnist January 28, 2025

Burlington’s safety issues have become a growing matter of public concern.  The issues regarding safety and police staffing are statewide and can not be solved with simple proposals or partisan objectives.   However,...

Letter to the editor: UVM does not care about its Jewish students

Letter to the editor: UVM does not care about its Jewish students

Ari Mei-Dan January 24, 2025

As I begin my second semester at Emerson College, I’ve been reflecting on my decision to leave the University of Vermont after the spring of 2024.  While my dissatisfaction with UVM’s film department...

Survival guide: Vermont winter

Survival guide: Vermont winter

Olivia Langlan, Opinion Co-Editor January 21, 2025

Folks, the winter season is finally upon us.  With its icy streets, bone-chilling Lake Champlain wind chill and general lack of sunshine, winter is a hallmark of Vermont life.   So, here are a...

The secret life of a 19-year-old preteen 

The secret life of a 19-year-old preteen 

Olivia Langlan, Assistant Opinion Editor December 17, 2024

I didn’t get my period until the summer before college. With these credentials alone, I basically wrote the handbook on late blooming.    Stalled by the effects of a restrictive eating disorder...

Sex and the Cynic: you and your friend did what? 

Sarah Koegler, Opinion Columnist December 17, 2024

It’s a Friday night, the music is blasting so loud that it starts to feel like an internal thought and the lights start to move a little faster than before.  You stop dancing and look at your friend;...

The great Gen Z gender gap

The great Gen Z gender gap

Lucas Martineau, Opinion Columnist December 17, 2024

Boys will be boys, female rage burns—and Gen Z splits in two. Among young voters, women favored Harris by 26 points more than men—a political gender gap even wider than our generational divide with...

Taglit-Birthright Israel: a free sex vacation?

Taglit-Birthright Israel: a free sex vacation?

Ayelet Kaminski, Opinion Editor December 4, 2024

In American Jewish culture, there are two major non-religious rites of passage: sleepaway camp and Birthright.  And I don’t think I’m out of line to assert that both of these formative experiences...

How my sex life changed on Nov. 5

How my sex life changed on Nov. 5

Emma Dinsmore, Digital Media Editor December 4, 2024

After waking up at 5:45 a.m. on Nov. 6 and checking my phone, the way I view my relationship with sex shifted completely. When I went to bed on the 5th, I still had hope for the right to make choices...

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