Eric Sharf

Three Ward 1 election inspectors review the ballot receipt before sealing it inside the tabulation bag March 2.

Town Meeting Day in Photos

March 4, 2021

In the weeks leading up to Town Meeting Day, the Cynic’s photo staff worked hard to capture the election in their photos. On March 2 the entire staff was assigned to covering the polling locations for both Ward 1 and 8. See the election process through their lenses below.

Eric Sharf: Campaign signs for Mayor Miro Weinberger and one of his challengers Max Tracy fill the patch of grass inside the roundabout intersecting Shelburne road and South Willard St. Feb. 5.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Eric Sharf: Miro Weinberger supporters stand on North Ave during a “honk and wave” Feb. 19.

Kate Vanni: The word “yes” is graffitied over a campaign sign spreading misinformation on ballot item number five, Feb. 27.

Eric Sharf: A Miro for Mayor campaign sign is displayed on the side of North Ave Feb. 19.

Elaina Sepede: A patten of Miro for Mayor and Max for Mayor signs are lined up outside the Mater Christi School, Ward 1’s polling location March 2.

Kyle Elms: Burlington residents walk in and out of the Mater Christi School to vote during Town Meeting Day March 2.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Kyle Elms: A Ward 1 poll worker sits inside the Mater Christi gym waiting for Burlington residents with the last names that fall between L-Z to come vote March 2.

Ivy Kirby: A Ward 1 poll worker sits inside the Mater Christi gym waiting for Burlington residents with the last names that fall between A-K to come vote March 2.

Kyle Elms: A Ward 1 poll worker feeds mail-in ballots into the ballot counting machine at 7 a.m. March 2.

Elaina Sepede: “I Voted” stickers are placed on the side of the ballot-counting machines for Burlington residents to take after they feed their ballot through the counter March 2.

Elaina Sepede: Ward 1 Clerk Sue Alenick checks in voters inside the Mater Christi School March 2.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Allison Ouellette: UVM Senior Ethan Waxman and UVM Alumni Mariah Cronin stand outside the Fletcher Free Library, the Ward 8 polling location, holding up signs for Max Tracy March 2.

Allison Ouellette: UVM Senior Kayla Downs works at the check-in table for the Ward 8 polling station March 2.

Allison Ouellette: A absentee ballots lockbox sits on a table inside the Fletcher Free Library March 2.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Allison Ouellette: Students from Ward 8 sit down to vote during Town Meeting Day inside the Fletcher Free Library March 2.

Allison Ouellette: UVM Sophomores Maddie Henson and Cora Smith work to register new voters inside of the Ward 8 polling station March 2 to check voters in.

Allison Ouellette: Henson and Smith look over the 242 new voter registration forms that they received March 2.

Allison Ouellette: Henson and Smith pass a voter registration form to a new voter March 2.

Allison Ouellette: A student answers questions inside the Ward 8 polling station March 2.

Mac Mansfield-Parisi: The Ward 8 polling station sign sits outside the Fletcher Free Library as lights from Church Street glow behind it March 2.

Eric Sharf: Ward 1 poll workers begin to fold up tables inside the Mater Christi School March 2.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Eric Scharf: Ward 1 inspector Gloria Yandow carries the ballot receipts from the ballot counters to the front of the room to be checked March 2.

Eric Sharf: After the polls close second election official Gloria Yandow signs a document stating that no ballots were in the black ballot box prior to the beginning of their processing March 2.

Eric Sharf: Ward 1 inspector Gloria Yandow and Ward 1 Clerk Sue Alenick look over the ballot receipt after the polls clothes for the Ward 1 votes March 2.

Eric Sharf: A Ward 1 poll worker places a zip tie around the tabular bag which holds the results from Ward 1 March 2.

Counterclockwise starting up the upper left corner.

Mac Mansfield-Parisi: UVM First-year Perri Wilson and Sophomore Julia Sergeant stand outside of the Fletcher Free Library after voting as members of Ward 8 March 2.

Mac Mansfield-Parisi: UVM Sophomores Eli Stein, Hilary Good and Sammy Leo sit outside the Fletcher Free Library after voting on Town Meeting Day March 2.

Eric Sharf: Ward 8 poll workers pack up inside the Mater Christi gym March 2 after the polls close at 7:00 p.m..

Mac Mansfield-Parisi: Ward 1 poll workers are seen packing up the polling station inside the Fletcher Free Library March 2.

Mac Mansfield-Parisi: UVM Alumni and Ward 8 clerk Kieth Pillsbury pulls a ballot receipt out of a ballot counter March 2. after the polling station closes.

Eric Sharf: One of the final voters for Ward 1 stands in the doorway of the Mater Christi School waiting to be checked in by a poll worker March 2.

Allison Ouellette: Mayor Miro Weinberger delivers his victory speech inside the Echo Leahy Center for Lake Champlain March 2. This is the fourth consecutive election Weinberger has won as Burlington Mayor.

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