Students crowd around a bong made out of a watermelon on the Redstone green.
UVM’s students celebrate 4/20, campus smells like weed
April 28, 2023
The crowd counted down from ten until the clock hit 4:20 p.m. on April 20. A large cloud of smoke hovered over the Redstone green, ringing in the much-celebrated day. A few Wellness runners jogged by, celebrating 4/20 with a 5K run.
The use of cannabis at UVM is high, with UVM ranking No. 1 in 2018 for weed usage according to an article by the VTDigger.
The weed cloud hanging over the crowd on the green elicited various descriptions from students at the event.
“The cloud looks like a dragon breathing fire,” one student said.
Cannabis could be smelled all throughout campus, with many students anticipating 4:20 by smoking for the majority of the day.
Some students skipped classes, while others simply attended them under the influence.
“I’ve gone to two classes, been cooked, ate some Wonton [and] went for a lovely little walk,” an anonymous first-year student said.
A different student said that she simply forgot to go to class.
Starting around 2 p.m., many students began to gather on Athletic campus. A man, self-named “Weed Jesus,” sped by on his electric skateboard, lying on his stomach, a flag with a picture of weed on it flapping behind him in the wind.
The great migration towards Redstone campus began around 3:45 p.m.. There was live music, hammocks, blankets and a police presence. The police remained on the outskirts of the crowd.
As the green began to fill up, the anticipation for 4:20 pm began to grow.
Students from all years were there and a variety of modes to consume marijuana appeared as well, including bongs, joints in the shape of crosses, and edibles.
“I am excited but feeling old,” Becky, a senior, commented.
The size of the crowd also surprised the senior. “I expected a lot of people, I was not expecting this many,” she said. “It’s like the entire campus.”
Two hundred students arrived in a 20 minute period to the Redstone green, with a total of 900 students present at 4:20, according to UVM Police Services. Two students ended up in the hospital.

Becky had been unable to attend 4/20 on campus before, previously only celebrating with friends.
The celebration of 4/20 requires purchasing weed. Students aged 21 and over are able to purchase from dispensaries.
“I expect that weed sales this past week have skyrocketed,” Charlotte, a senior, said.
Both seniors said they were smoking dispensary weed.
Other students, those who are younger than 21, said they would prefer to shop dispensary weed, but stick to dealers due to the age restriction.
“If you are smoking street weed, get your drugs tested” Megan, a student smoking weed from a dealer, said.
Despite differences in age and methods of purchasing weed, Megan emphasized how 4/20 made her feel more connected to UVM’s community.
“On average, I have seen everybody I have ever met,” she said.

Around 4:45 p.m., police officers started asking people to leave and the large crowd of high college students slowly moved out of the green.
The procession of students walking from Athletic campus to Redstone campus reversed as people went back to their respective dorms and dining halls.
The Marché’s Toast sold over 500 sandwiches and bagels throughout the course of the day, according to the Marché.
4/20 is a campus-wide celebration for smokers and non-smokers, coming out to see the weed cloud created by UVM’s student population.
“It’s all I ever expected and more,” a student commented.