Pike rewarded by Seth Rogen
To hear the deep-belly laugh of Seth Rogen reverberate through a cinema is a privilege not many receive in their lifetime. Unless, of course, you’re a member of UVM’s Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.

Rogen, an actor, comedian, charity founder and beloved pot icon, visited Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and Alpha Chi Omega sorority alongside his wife Lauren at Essex Cinema April 23.
This year marks the third year in a row Pi Kappa Alpha and Alpha Chi Omega have won the Hilarity for Charity competition.
They have raised $28,301 this year alone for Rogen’s Alzheimer’s foundation and over $70,000 cumulatively.
Hilarity for Charity was started by Rogen and Miller after her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The organization originally started as a variety show to raise money, but has since expanded.
“We started realizing that young people wanted a voice in Alzheimer’s that hadn’t necessarily been heard before,” Miller said. “So Hilarity for Charity became more than just a show – it became an organization, and we started this program so that young people didn’t have to feel sad and alone.”
The fraternity’s interest in raising money for Alzheimer’s began three years ago when three triplets, seniors Ryan, John and Griffen Fox, lost their grandfather to the disease during their sophomore year.
“We saw Seth testify before Congress and he talked about [Hilarity for Charity] and we thought it would be a great way to get involved [with the cause],” Ryan Fox said.
The fraternity frequently rents out Rasputin’s bar and charges a cover fee as a way to raise money for their team, in addition to hosting their annual talent show.
Rogen described the brothers as “the Lakers of charity.”
The morning, although originated for a serious cause, took a turn for the light hearted and humorous after a screening of Rogen’s AMC show “Preacher.”
Members of the fraternity and sorority in the audience had an opportunity to ask Rogen an abundance of questions after the meet and greet. The Q&A session lasted almost half an hour. Rogen’s responses are reserved to the brothers and sisters who earned the opportunity to speak with him for their charitable efforts.
Perhaps the most looming question is, will the brothers be able to win Hilarity for Charity for the fourth year in a row?