Candidates talk policy and principles at SGA debate

Alek Fleury

Sophomore Owen Doherty delivers a statement at the SGA presidential debate March 22. Students will vote for SGA president and vice president March 28 and 29.

Emma Pinezich and Zoe Stern

Students will vote on the SGA president for the 2019-2020 school year March 28 and 29.

Junior Jillian Scannell is running for president alongside sophomore Owen Doherty. Sophomore Harmony Edosomwan is running for president without a running mate.

The three candidates discussed their platforms and answered questions in Brennan’s Pub during the SGA presidential debate March 22.

“We’re focused on creating an environment where students feel safe, have all the resources they need to succeed and feel that their voices are being heard,” Doherty said.

Scannel and Doherty also plan to extend library hours, hire more campus victim’s advocates and foster a more transparent and inclusive relationship between students and the administration.

“My campaign is founded on three things: love, justice and advocacy,” Edosomwan said at the debate.

If elected, Edosomwan plans to increase funding for identity-based groups, financially support the humanities and expand health and well-being resources.

Her experience as an activist on campus has given her the tools to be an effective leader, Edosomwan said.

Junior Amanda Duffey said that she plans to vote for Scannell and Doherty in part because of their experience on SGA.

“I know they’re committed to a lot of the same causes as me,” Duffey said. “I’m concerned about making campus more sustainable and safer for students.”

Junior E.J. Obaro-Best wants the future president to make mental health resources more available for students.

“I’m voting for Harmony because she’s an activist who has brought direct change to campus. When she wants something for the people, I know that she’s going to get it,” Obaro-Best said.

All students received an email March 22 from SGA allowing them to vote online for next year’s SGA president and vice president beginning 8 a.m. March 28 until 4 p.m. March 29.