Record number of admitted students

As many admitted students roam campus throughout the semester, it is clear that their numbers are higher than ever.

The acceptance rate for the University is 71 percent, the highest in recent years, Beth Wiser, director of undergraduate admissions, said.

With a record-breaking number of applicants this year, competition isn’t just from within the states, it’s around the world, she said.

This year, University Admissions has made its mission to expand and promote itself. Through several approaches and network expansions, UVM is leaving quite the impression.

“We’ve been intentional about trying to grow applications, but at the same time, I think the message is really getting out that students are happy here,” Wiser  said. “They are satisfied with their experience, and they love Burlington, which is infectious.”

UVM students have a promising future even after graduation, Wiser said.

“About 90 percent of students either have jobs or are attending graduate school after they graduate,” she said.  “The career networks that are happening through the alumni association are also expanding.”

With applicants from all 50 states and 21 nations, UVM’s applicant pool is incredibly diverse.

Taking the right steps in communication is a huge part of the most recent recognition, Wiser said.

“Admissions has more people going out to more places,” Wiser said. “The UVM Foundation and the alumni relations is doing a great job of reaching out to alumni, who are then talking about UVM.”

The application numbers aren’t the only thing that are growing- so is the Global Gateway Program. The international team for recruiting traveled to 47 countries promoting and spreading information about UVM.

“I did a lot of recruitment in Europe and did about eight countries in South America,” Max Tracy, one of the many international recruiters, said.