SGA execs will have no opponents in elections

Current SGA President Jason Maulucci and Vice President Tyler Davis are the first pair of students to run unopposed on the same ticket for SGA elections since 1941.
Election packets were due at 4 p.m. March 18 and Maulucci and Davis were the only people who signed out an election packet, Maulucci said.
The election packets contain the rules and regulations for the elections and space for the signatures needed in order to run.
“I hope we ended up being unopposed because people have thought that we’ve done a good enough job to not warrant a challenge,” he said.
Sophomore Luke Young said he thinks they are running unopposed due to student apathy.
“At least to my knowledge there’s no public campaigning going on,” Young said.
Maulucci and Davis want to enhance the student experience at UVM by using their experience and commitment, according to a description on Maulucci and Davis’ Facebook group.
One of the bigger projects the two want to tackle in their second term is having the administration post course syllabi online.
“It’s something people have been pushing for 25 years and there was very little, if not any progress,” Maulucci said. “And we’re going to be in a position next year having built all of these relationships with all of these people to really make a push on these kind of things.”
As this will be their second term, Maulucci and Davis said they will be able to work on bigger projects because they not only have already established relationships with people throughout the community, but also have more time.
“The fact that we have two years allows us to kind of look bigger at the entire scheme,” Davis said.
Though they are running unopposed, Maulucci said voting will still take place March 28 and 29.
Elections must take place five weeks before the last day of classes, according to SGA’s constitution.