Celebrity pregnancy delivers joy in very trying times

In a political climate that feels to some like the world is spinning further and further into darkness, Our Lady of Perpetual Flawlessness is here to brighten the day.

Last week, Beyoncé announced that she is pregnant with twins by releasing a maternity photo shoot full of vibrant colors, beds of flowers, and that special shine that can come from only Queen B herself.

Beyoncé’s website featured the maternity photos along with pictures taken throughout the singer’s relationship with Jay-Z and her pregnancy with their first daughter, Blue Ivy.

Maternity photos of Beyoncé’s mother, Tina Lawson, and her grandmother also appear in the photo album, as well as short poems addressing the themes of motherhood, nature, and legacy. Hovering over each image is the phrase “I have three hearts.”

The release of this photoshoot – the poetry, the messaging – these are all hallmarks of Beyoncé’s maturing art style. The interplay between the flower imagery and the phrase “black venus” in one poem, the inclusion of her mother and grandmother and the Renaissance posing of the photoshoot all practically beg for analysis.

But, you know what? I’m tired. I’ve been listening to political analyses of at least three different national and foreign policy developments for the past month.

Beyoncé is pregnant. She’s beautiful. Flowers are also beautiful. Oh look Blue Ivy’s in some pictures too!

Over the past month my brain has shriveled from exertion, my heart has wilted in shade. Forget motifs. Forget allusion. In the coldest, crappiest month of the year, I will take what little sunshine I can get and bask in Beyoncé’s pregnancy glow.

Congrats Carters! And thanks for giving my Facebook feed a break from politics.