Review: “The Lego Movie 2″ is almost as good as the original
March 9, 2019

Legos: everyone remembers spending time building with them in our childhood.
That being said, I for one didn’t expect a movie based around these construction blocks to be any good. When the first Lego movie turned out to be amazing, I was thrown through a loop.
Now that the sequel to the inconceivably popular “The Lego Movie” is out in theaters, it makes one wonder if it can ever be as good as the original.
The sequel, “The Lego Movie 2: the second part,” starts off almost immediately after where the first film ended.
Lord Business, played by Will Ferrell, the first film’s antagonist, had just learned the value of creativity, and the human child behind the story found out his baby sister would be able to play with his father’s Legos, too.
After this disasterous event, Bricksburg has become Apocalypseburg, a place where there are Mad Max references and dusty backgrounds abound.
Emmet, played by Chris Pratt, the sequel’s plucky hero, finds himself the only one not keeping up with the times and therefore the only one not in a post-apocalypse-style getup, as he has continued wearing his original outfit.
The sister’s forces once again invade, and in the process capture Lucy, played by Elizabeth Banks, Emmet’s love interest, and Emmet’s other friends. Now, he finds himself as the only one who is willing to save her and sets out on a journey to do so.
The film is a coming-of-age piece, but it fulfills the trope in a way only a Lego movie can, with a mashup of pop culture references that perhaps only a viewer in high school or older would get.
For example, the sequel includes allusions to other popular films like “Die Hard” and “Hot Tub Time Machine.”
The film exposes viewers to characters we already love and a score of new ones, too.
While in general this film may not have the same stopping power the original had, especially since many fans already hold it in high regard, it is a fun and entertaining film with a sound lesson about being yourself and not conforming at its core.
It also has an even more surprising twist.
Combined, it somehow manages to make for a movie that any age can enjoy, be it for it’s jokes or it’s story.
This makes it the perfect viewing material to watch with friends.
It really goes to show that to make a good movie you don’t always need to follow the instructions.