While commonly overlooked, the worn dirt path beneath your feet on a walk across campus reveals the stories of students before us, in defiance of the traditional path—or lack thereof.
When urban planners do not satisfy the needs and desires of pedestrians, the people will create their own walkway. Whether their purpose is efficiency, addressing the lack of a path or simple civil disobedience, desire paths have certainly found their way onto UVM’s campus.
In an effort to create a comprehensive guide of UVM’s desire paths, I spent a week exploring every corner of campus with my camera—not only taking note of the paths, but observing the intent and direction of the people who used them.

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)

(Emily Kobus)