From volleyball to juggling, UVM has more clubs than you can imagine. The newest addition to this lengthy list of clubs is the recently formed UVM Women’s Club Soccer Team. Although less than four months ago this club was nonexistent, it now consists of 45 members who are eagerly waiting for the snow to melt so that we can begin outdoors. We’re in the process of scheduling games and tournaments to play when the grass does indeed appear. Currently, we have a game scheduled with Springfield College, Saint Michael’s College, Norwich University, and Syracuse University. These game dates are still to be determined. In the mean time, we are playing indoor games on Wednesday nights at the Nordic Spirit indoor facility in Essex. We soon hope to be practicing at the gym and on the fields. However, we are vying for field space with varsity and other club organizations. Unfortunately, we are also looking for a coach. If any faculty or staff members are interested in a fun and rewarding coaching position, please contact the UVM Women’s Club Soccer president Nicolle Clemente at 656-7660. This weekend we attempted our first fund-raiser: a 50/50 raffle downtown on Saturday. We earned almost $150 to add to our club’s savings, not bad for our first time. We thank all those who entered the raffle for contributing to our success. We are also planning several upcoming fund-raisers to help the club grow in terms of a budget, one of which is a semi-formal at Rasputins. We’re still looking into a date, but it will most likely take place on March 27th or a Tuesday in April. Watch for flyers! Bringing our club team into the Burlington community is also high on our agenda. For starters, come spring, several members of the team are looking forward to coaching Burlington youth soccer. We’ll keep you all updated on our game schedule and upcoming events.
Club Beat: Women’s Soccer Club
March 8, 2001
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