Resolution officially denounces presidential search
A student asks a question during Suresh Garimell’a only visit to campus Feb. 14 before he was approved to be the next University president. Garimella was the sole finalist from the presidential search presented to the public, but there were two interviewed by the faculty panel.
April 18, 2019
SGA passed a resolution April 9 condemning the 2018-2019 presidential search process.
The resolution criticizes the University for its underrepresentation of students throughout the process, with one student representing over 10,000 undergraduates.
The resolution calls for future search committees to better incorporate student voice.
SGA President Ethan Foley, a junior, said that despite his own involvement in the process he feels that the University could have done a better job of involving SGA in the presidential search process.
“After sitting through probably more meetings regarding the presidential search than any student except for the student that served on the committee, I feel confident in saying there are definitely things that could be improved for next time,” Foley said.
Foley feels that since SGA is meant to be representative of the undergraduate students at UVM, the fact that they didn’t have a say in the presidential search process means that the opinion of the student body was neglected.
“I think that the SGA needs to have an active role,” Foley said.
The SGA resolution calls for a minimum of 20% student representation and a student panel that is representative of all colleges at UVM, similar to that of the faculty panel, the resolution states.
David Daigle, co-chair for the Presidential Search Committee, stated in an April 12 email to the Cynic that the search committee was something to be proud of.
“The University values students’ perspectives and their participation in important institutional processes,” Daigle stated. “It is important to understand that the University conducted an inclusive and successful presidential search, one in which our community can and should be proud.”
Daigle stated that the committee for the presidential search was already very inclusive, despite what Foley and the rest of SGA have said about who was involved in the process.
“The presidential search committee was likely the largest, most inclusive, most diverse committee ever assembled for a presidential search at UVM,” Daigle stated.
First-year Noelle Dana, the SGA senator who sponsored this resolution, declined to comment.