Scannell and Doherty elected SGA president and vice president

Alek Fleury

Sophomore Owen Doherty delivers a statement at the SGA presidential debate March 22. Students will vote for SGA president and vice president March 28 and 29.

Emma Pinezich, Staff Writer

Junior Jillian Scannell and her running mate, sophomore Owen Doherty, won the SGA presidential and vice presidential elections.

Scannell and Doherty’s victories were announced March 29.

The only other presidential candidate was sophomore Harmony Edosomwan.  Doherty ran unopposed.

Scannell won with 1,724 votes. Edosomwan gathered 1,116 votes.

2,861 students voted in this year’s election, the highest voter turnout seen in recent years.

Scannell and Doherty’s platform includes working toward a sustainable and just campus, increasing access to affordable housing and making it easier to take cross-college courses.

“Owen and I believe that we can enhance the student experience here for all students on our campus,” Scannell said at the SGA debate March 22.

Scannell currently serves as Speaker of the SGA. She is an environmental studies major and political science minor. Doherty is a political science major and history minor. He currently serves as chair of the public relations committee.

Scannell ran against Edosomwan, a student activist and leader of NoNames for Justice.

Edosomwan’s main platform goals included increasing funding for identity centers and diversity-based clubs under SGA, increasing funding for College of Arts and Sciences and expanding Counseling and Psychiatry Services locations and funding.

After the results came in, Scannell said that she was humbled and honored to have been elected.

“Owen and I are really thankful for this opportunity,” Scannell said.

“This is where the real work begins,” Doherty said. “We worked hard before, but now it’s time to get moving on some important issues for the everyday student at UVM.”

Sophomore Meg Stevens expressed her excitement over the election results, and discussed what changes she hopes to see next year on campus.

“I was really happy about the election results,” Stevens said. “I voted for Jillian because the environment was a huge part of her platform, and because UVM markets itself as such a green school we need to actively be making as many steps as we can to practice what we preach.”