UPDATE: After 36 days of emails gone unheard, Physical Plant and ResLife provide air conditioning
After one UVM student spent 36 days emailing Physical Plant and ResLife, UVM will be providing air conditioning for students in emergency housing.
A Physical Plant employee arrived at Shuvan Shrestha’s room at 8:17 p.m. to install an air conditioning unit.
“For now, I’m a bit worried if the AC is only in my room. I hope it gets installed to everyone’s,” Shrestha said.

Shrestha received an email from Residential Life at 4 p.m. which stated they have been working with the Physical Plant Department to determine the best way of solving the issue of heat in residence halls.
“As soon as we can, we will begin installing air conditioners in rooms being used for summer emergency housing,” the email states.
The offer of help came less than 24 hours after Shrestha’s story was first reported in The Vermont Cynic.
Three hours before the official ResLife email was sent, Shrestha received an email from MAT Office Manager Abby Kelley notifying him that fans were now available at the Harris-Millis front desk.
“It is hot outside, come pick up a fan to use in your room. It is waiting for you at the HM front desk,” Kelley stated.
UVM affiliates have expressed concern for students living in emergency housing via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and email. Shrestha received 32 messages of support and offers for help.
“I got so many responses from professors, UVM students and graduate students. I am still replying and I have not finished yet. But it is very lacking from the administrators,” Shrestha said.
This story has been updated to provide additional details.

Kate Vanni is a senior Communications Design major with minors in Applied Design and Studio Art. Before becoming the Editor-in-Chief, Kate...