Twitter replaces Burn Book

Sunday night is crunch time for most students, but for KaraAlongiof Clark, N.J., her fun was just beginning.

It all started when she tweeted, there is someone in my hourecall911, and evidently someone did. With an Amber Alert out, the police took to the streets in search of the kidnapped 16-year-old, as her peers took to the Internet.

There were such an incredible amount of tweets concerning her, that within hours, KaraAlongibecame a globally trending topic.

One would expect and hope that the response tweets would be in support of the missing girl, trying to inform people and maybe find a witness. However, tweet after tweet was ruthlessly mocking and bullying the alleged victim.

Karas first mistake was making her Twitter account public. When the news about her alarming tweet and her missing status were first reported, it was everyones instinct to find her on Twitter.

Upon doing so, not only did they see her tweet crying out for help, but also along with it were almost 1,000 brutally rude, obnoxious tweets from the past, unprotected from the eyes of anyone with an Internet connection.

With her location still unknown and apparently dangerous, peers saw her as vulnerable and finally had their chance to get Twitter revenge. People scorned the tweet she seemingly wrote in haste about the intruder, saying to #helpfindkaraan English teacher or #helpfindkaramanners.

In other examples, people said it was ironic that no one cared about her and that if anyone needs Twitter followers they should just go missing. They painted a picture of her kidnapper, duct tape and the trunk she was in, said she never had to worry about going to school again and compared her to Mean Girls character Regina George. They even alluded to her being dead.

Although the entire thing ended up being a hoax, andAlongipresumably chose to run away, this was still unknown, late Sunday night when the backlash began.

Even though it is obviously immoral and extremely insensitive to fake your own kidnapping, and she does have numerous tweets that are distastefully hateful, there is clearly something painfully wrong in this situation with the added harassment.

Whether you are actually kidnapped, or fake it for attention, you are in need of help either from police efforts or those of a psychiatrist. And even though we now know it was by choice, her family and friends are still looking for her and desperately want to know where their loved one is.

No matter how mean she seemed to her peers, this situation is dire and should be taken more seriously than it evidently was with all the jokes and insults.

Her Twitter haters are claiming that she is immature for seeking attention, but they are immature for using it as a chance to get a stab in. We all learned in kindergarten that two wrongs do not make a right, but apparently we did not realize in the21stcentury that the rule transcends the playground and applies in the Twitter-world.