Last week, Yankees president Hank Steinbrenner said you have to be an idiot not to start much-hyped set-up man Joba Chamberlain.
Should the Yankees move Joba into their depleted starting rotation?
JB: While I think Hank Steinbrenner is an idiot for calling out his newly appointed manager, Joe Girardi, as an idiot, I would agree that it is indeed idiotic not to start Joba.
Obviously the set-up man is important; having confidence in your team’s bullpen is an increasing rarity in the league today.
However, the Yankees starting pitching this season has less depth than Paris Hilton. Mike Mussina was finished two years ago and pitching “phenoms” Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy have both been inept this year.
Joba will start eventually anyways, why not make it now?
AD: No one should listen to Hank Steinbrenner. Ever.
What he might be: manipulative -well, maybe, seeing how he got his father to hand down the reins to the evil empire to him – but only maybe. What he really is, though: D-U-M-B.
He is not the manager and has zero managerial experience in a baseball clubhouse.
Hank should take a page from the Sox’ playbook. Terry Francona didn’t stick Hideki Okijima in the Sox rotation. Result? Francona got to say, “World Series rings for all my friends!”
THE SCOREWho’s the bigger idiot: Paris or Hank?Jason 1Austin 0
The two-month long journey that is the NBA playoffs began last weekend with a Spurs-Suns Instant Classic to start things off right.
Who do you see heading home with the NBA title?
JB: Call me a homer, but I like the Celtics to take this year’s title in a classic matchup against the Lakers.
This year’s Celtics team reminds me a lot of the Miami Heat in 2006: veteran players relocated to a new city (Garnett, Allen and Cassell), pairing up with a familiar superstar (Pierce) in hopes of winning that championship that has always alluded them.
I like the Boston Three Party to take down Hollywood in seven games. Let’s kick it old school.
AD: I don’t care. That’s it and that’s all. I’ll go with the Celtics because they had the best season and the best team all year long. They are a club with star power, defense and depth – things no one else in the league has in greater quantities or has utilized more successfully.
But I really just don’t care. My disgust with the NBA is more or less well documented here and among friends. Mycurrent, timely grudge is the fact that these playoffs will go on for two months – making every series seven games – is ridiculous.
The NBA playoffs are the worst, most obnoxious playoff non-drama in major American sports. I’m done with it as of now.
THE SCOREIs it June yet?Jason 1Austin 1
Yankees reliever Kyle Farnsworth was suspended for three games last week for throwing a fastball behind the head of Red Sox slugger Manny Ramirez.
Do you think the pitch was intentional and did it warrant the suspension?
JB: First, let me state the obvious: Kyle Farnsworth sucks. Second, let me state the nearly just as obvious: he seems like the type of pitcher that isn’t above headhunting.
This is the same guy that charged THE PLATE when he was with the Cubs. Farnsworth clearly threw at Manny, who had already hit two bombs in the game, so as to play the enforcer role for a team annoyed that they couldn’t keep the Great Dreadlocked One off base.
Farnsworth missed Manny because, like I said, he sucks. He deserves to be suspended for failing his mission yet again.
AD: I don’t like to judge too much, but everything about the pitch pointed to Farnsworth taking a hard line with Manny.
Yeah, he probably meant to throw in the neighborhood of Manny’s noggin.
Considering that Farnsworth is a nut case as well as the fact that A-Rod was hit the night before by a Sox pitcher and that Manny was having a great night/last two years at the plate against the Yanks, you just gotta’ think he meant to do it.
That said, it’s still inexcusable to throw at someone’s head, or behind it – “Baseball Code” be damned. It’s classless and dangerous. Farnsworth will probably say, “Three games well worth it,” but anything less would be a mistake.
THE SCOREFarnsworth: Ruining Baseball Since 2001Jason 2Austin 1