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The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

Review: “A Quiet Place” captivates audiences

Review: “A Quiet Place” captivates audiences

Allie O’Connor, Culture Columnist April 27, 2018

My ears were ringing the moment the credits rolled, a distant hum that stayed with me as I caught the late-night bus back to campus. Though I’d seen the movie with friends, the feeling of isolation and...

Studio 5 Spotlight 

October 25, 2015

From mothers coming in with their 7-year old daughter to 72-year old retirees looking for new hobbies, the art of DJing is rapidly increasing in popularity in every demographic.John “DJ Johnny Utah”...

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