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The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

We are living through a second Gilded Age

We are living through a second Gilded Age

Lucas Martineau, Opinion Columnist February 20, 2025

On the eve of Y2K, the world teetered between fear and hope.  Some predicted catastrophe — collapsing computer systems, financial ruin and global panic — while others envisioned the dawn of a technologically...

Don’t rush to grow up

Don’t rush to grow up

Katerina Jerine, Opinion Columnist February 6, 2025

As my 20th birthday looms over me, I feel pressure to fulfill the compulsory craziness of my early 20s before I can even legally drink.  When I was younger, especially as a teen, I longed for the freedom...

You should talk to strangers, actually

You should talk to strangers, actually

Ayelet Kaminski, Opinion Editor March 25, 2024

We all grew up constantly hearing about the danger of talking to strangers, which is typically a good warning to heed.  Stranger danger is especially important when you’re barely four feet tall,...

We need new concert etiquette rules

We need new concert etiquette rules

Sarah Koegler, Opinion columnist March 21, 2024

Nowadays, going to concerts is a whole process: people sit in a long awaited Ticketmaster queue to maybe get the tickets they want and go to the venue sometimes days early to save their spot in line. Once...

Hookup culture is ruining our idea of sex

Hookup culture is ruining our idea of sex

Scott Kent, Opinion columnist December 11, 2023

The idea of no-strings-attached, casual hookups is destroying the way our generation handles sex.  This idea of "hookups," the idea of a sexual encounter being a casual and non-romantic experience,...

I was born in the right generation

I was born in the right generation

Annabelle Pattison, Opinion Columnist October 27, 2022

Growing up, I was constantly worried about the future because I would hear adults complain that phones and technology were ruining the youth of America.  These remarks by my elders made me feel that...

Generational Gab: Sex Positivity

Emily Taylor, Podcast Host December 7, 2021

The Generational Gab is a podcast that explores the different aspects, challenges and quirks of Generation Z at the University of Vermont. This episode, hosted by Emily Taylor, delves into sex positivity....

TikTok brings young creators to the center

TikTok brings young creators to the center

Emily Johnston January 30, 2020

TikTok, a video-sharing app that is growing in popularity, is exactly what youth culture needs. TikTok is a social network owned by ByteDance and was launched in 2017. Since its initial release, the...

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