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The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

Narcan nasal spray, which can be found in the harm reduction corner of Living Well April 19.

UVM’s harm reduction resources

Memrie Harness, Features Staff Writer April 27, 2023

In a college setting, obtaining drugs is possible for those who desire them. While completely preventing usage is unrealistic, harm reduction tactics save lives.  In order to keep the student body...

The Living Well office April 17. Living Well and the Catamount Recovery Program serve as resources under the Center of Health and Wellbeing at UVM.

Recovery program has inclusive community approach for students

Audrie Caruso, Cynic News Reporter April 21, 2022

Editor’s note: The name of one recovering student interviewed for this piece has been changed to a first-name pseudonym for privacy. The Catamount Recovery Program helps students in recovery from...

Addiction is treatable despite common misconception

Addiction is treatable despite common misconception

Letter to the Editor May 4, 2019

Dear Editors, I appreciate the Cynic’s coverage of issues related to student heath, including recent coverage of drug use. As a drug and alcohol counselor on campus, I’m all for getting us to talk...

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harm reduction