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The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

He’s just not that into you

He’s just not that into you

Morgan Milman, Opinion Columnist March 6, 2025

In the words of Elliott Smith: they want you or don’t. This is a motto to take with you into any romantic endeavor. Let’s move past waiting double the time to reply, carefully planning out every...

How the Grinch stole Valentine’s Day 

How the Grinch stole Valentine’s Day 

Koda Koster, Contributing Columnist February 14, 2025

Everyone knows the Grinch, the mean and green Christmas-stealing machine. However, not many know his love-hating cousin. You may be picturing a pink-haired, Valentine’s Day thief covering up a heart...

Sex and the Cynic: I hate my best friend’s boyfriend

Sex and the Cynic: I hate my best friend’s boyfriend

Opinion staff November 21, 2024

I have never been in a relationship.  However, I have seen my friends get in and out of relationships over the years, giving me a unique third-person perspective on this. I have a friend: “Vape...

Let’s rekindle our love for Valentine’s Day

Let’s rekindle our love for Valentine’s Day

Ayelet Kaminski, Opinion Editor February 14, 2024

Every February—irregardless of my relationship status—I look forward to Valentine’s Day.  To me, Valentine’s is not just one day, but a way of life for the latter half of the winter season.  I...

Molly's illi for the relationships column

Chronicles of a hopeless romantic 

Olivia Langlan, Opinion columnist December 15, 2023

From gaggles of middle school girls gushing over crushes to family members asking about your love life, relationships and love are deeply intertwined with societal expectations.  We get to our teenage...

Stella's illi for the culture staff break up songs rec

Culture staff recommends: best breakup songs

Culture Staff, Culture Staff Writer December 13, 2023

Breakup season is upon us and if you are one of those afflicted, the culture staff is here to set a soundtrack to your sadness.  “Pretty Pictures” by Indigo De Souza — Ashna Hille  Imagine...

Don't be afraid to distance yourself from codependent relationships

Don’t be afraid to distance yourself from codependent relationships

Annabelle Pattison, Opinion Columnist February 20, 2023

I have always struggled to make friends because of my social anxiety, so in eighth grade, when I switched to a new school, I was extremely worried about meeting new people.  To my surprise, I quickly...

Mini opinions: Biggest icks

Opinion Staff December 9, 2022

Secretly in love with one of our opinion writers? Well, we have some exciting news for you. The opinion writers compiled a list of their biggest icks—things that turn us off immediately. So now, after...

What’s the deal with dating?

Eamon Dunn December 5, 2022

Welcome to Ask the Cats, where our very own Cynic writers answer all of your burning questions about society, culture, and just life in general. This week, we're talking about dating, kissing, and all...

Before he cheats: On infidelity in college

Before he cheats: On infidelity in college

Maya Surrenti, Culture Staff Writer October 19, 2022

If you’ve been cheated on, you’re not alone. I’ve been in that boat before myself. It is an awful feeling, yet I see people cheating on their significant others all the time. I hate to break it to...

We need more TV shows that don’t romanticize toxic teen relationships

We need more TV shows that don’t romanticize toxic teen relationships

Meg Lavallee, Opinion Columnist October 13, 2022

I was 17 years old when it hit me that I had tried to grow up too fast. I spent my first two years of high school chasing toxic friendships and romantic relationships that thrived on drama. I had a...

Distance Diminished

Distance Diminished

Keely Ehnstrom, Culture Staff Writer March 2, 2022

The ominous red button on my phone screen when I make calls reminds me of the hundreds of miles of distance I try so hard to dismiss.   I miss my family, friends and boyfriend from home, but their...

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