Before coming to Vermont, I had never heard of a rail jam and had no idea what to expect. But during my first semester at UVM, I attended my first jam, hosted by the UVM Ski & Snowboard club, and I was obsessed.
As a beginner snowboarder and ex-skier, the tricks performed always amazed me.
My favorite part is watching someone work on their skill throughout the event and land it perfectly by the end. I continuously would turn to my friend and say “I could do that,” knowing it would take me months to get to that level. However, it serves as great motivation to continue learning and improving.
This past week I had the opportunity to go to the Burton and Sugarbush Rail Jam event hosted at Champlain College. The event was open to more than just students and had an incredible atmosphere. While in the field, it was inspiring to see people crash and fall, and get right back up with a smile on their face.
I now love any excuse to go to a rail jam, it always has incredible vibes and is such a unique event to be a part of.
Skier slides the box at Rail Jam. (Elizabeth Smith)

(Elizabeth Smith)