Students may not have spring break and classes could start as late as Feb. 1, according to a proposed Spring calendar approved by the academic branch of UVM’s coronavirus task force.
Irene Choi, Assistant News Editor
• September 17, 2020
UVM will continue mandatory COVID-19 testing for students through the beginning of November, the University announced just days before student testing was set to expire.
Before UVM President Suresh...
Lilly Page, Cynic News Reporter
• September 16, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading expert on infectious disease, called Vermont’s handling of COVID-19 some of the best in the country, at a press briefing with Vermont reporters Sept. 15.
Emily Johnston, Assistant Opinion Editor
• September 16, 2020
Instagram accounts have cropped up to showcase students without masks, @catswearmasks having one video of the Redstone Green with nearly 2,000 views.
It is easy in a pandemic to start an ‘us vs. them’...
Ella Ruehsen, Cynic News Reporter
• September 16, 2020
As the midnight moon cast down on the Redstone Green Sept. 6, two UVM police officers watched as a group of 150 students openly violated the University’s strict COVID-19 social conduct policy.
As students return to campus with the oppurtunity for in-person classes, some don’t feel that the University is totally on their side.
On Mar. 11, the UVM department of Residential Life...
On Aug. 20th, the City of Burlington instituted new policies limiting gathering sizes and alcohol sales to prevent the spread of COVID-19, right before University of Vermont students flooded back into...
Hayley Rosen, Assistant Sports Editor
• September 10, 2020
Under normal circumstances, first-year soccer player Jake Vitale and his team would have been practicing and conditioning for weeks, and have already played at least a few games.
But, Vitale said...