Board of trustees chair skips out on last meeting
Stephan Toljan/The Vermont Cynic
David Daigle meets with the Board of Trustees, Oct. 25. The Board meets in person three times a year.
October 28, 2019
The most powerful individual on the board of trustees was absent from Saturday’s public comment meeting.
The comment meeting was the students’ only opportunity to voice their opinions to the board.
The board of trustees met at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 27 in Livak Ballroom for the last time before Jan. 30, 2020, without their chair, David Daigle.
At the meeting, more than 50 students showed up and used the public forum to push UVM to divest from fossil fuels, despite the board refusing to budge.
Daigle said he had an important family commitment which caused his absence.
“I was unable to be there because I had a family commitment and I look forward to continuing the conversation through the appropriate forum which would include a conversation with the investment subcommittee,” Daigle said.
Meeting dates are posted on the board of trustees website in advance. Currently, all 2020 dates are listed for the January, May and October meetings for next year.