BREAKING: Student protestors rally against preacher on campus

Ella Ruehsen, Staff Writer

A group of 150-200 students gathered to protest against a preacher that was yelling anti-gay messages and quoting biblical verses on the middle of UVM’s Central campus.

He preached for about an hour and gathered a small crowd. As he entered the second hour, a group of counter-protesters gathered around him and started chanting over him.

“I am the minority here,” he said, citing his status as a straight, white, Christian male who believes homosexuality is wrong.

Three police officers arrived as the crowd grew to keep the peace between students and the preacher.

As he continued his speech, he mentioned other beliefs he holds, such as that convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein and alleged sexual predator Harvey Weinstein are “sexual revolutionaries.”

The story is still developing and will be updated as soon as more information becomes available.