SGA explores adding a third branch of student government


Senior Zach Merson, speaker of the senate and chair of the Constitution Committee, addresses the senate body at a meeting, Nov. 19. Merson spoke about moving towards creating an SGA judicial branch.

Lilly Page, Cynic News Reporter

SGA’s Constitution Committee will explore how to add an additional judicial branch to handle internal SGA conflicts. 

Senior Zach Merson, speaker of the senate and chair of the Constitution Committee, brought the idea of the addition to the entire SGA Nov. 19. Merson said currently there are only two options to handle SGA disputes and disagreements, censure or impeachment. 

“I’m concerned about the precedent we set for ourselves and our actions now impact future senates,” Merson said. “I hope it as clear to all of you as it is to me that we need to change how we approach conflicts and disputes in SGA.” 

Merson said he believes SGA needs to move towards measures, like a judicial branch, to better fit SGA’s way of operating. This new branch would be structured similarly to the Constitution Committee with a member from each committee, he said. 

This new branch of student government would allow senators on the committee to intervene more directly when conflicts and issues arise inside SGA, Merson said. 

“We need to set the example that when we face conflict, we handle it with grace and ensure dignity and privacy for those involved as much as possible,” he said.