Call me oversensitive, but I’ll take the bait.
Thank you for the explanation about what constitutes news and what constitutes opinion, and how your news section attempts to be as objective as possible. That would seem to be the mark of a well-edited paper, whether professional or not.
However, I’m not sure Andrew Woods’ article (“Course Registration for Geniuses”) constitutes news, and while I don’t challenge his or the Cynic’s right to publish it, I question whether the front page (traditionally the news section) is the appropriate place.
For the most part, it was a humorous piece of writing, but I take issue with characterizing all student athletes at the University of Vermont as “morons.”
UVM student athletes actually have a higher grade point average than non-athletes at UVM.
Personally, I work with UVM athletes daily who juggle a full schedule of challenging courses, demanding practices, participation in volunteer services and management of general life as UVM students, so it’s disappointing to see student athletes labeled negatively.
And in the end, I don’t think anyone would call this essay “news.”
I look forward to the continued improvement of the Cynic.
Andrew FeldmanDepartment of Student Life