Skateboarders need a place to skate so we can be safe

Valerie Davis

You know when you’re walking around campus, just trying to get to class and you feel secure in the fact that no one is going to run you over? Me neither.

I have a suspicion that it’s because there is no lane on the roads or sidewalks for skateboarders to safely skateboard.

Everyone on campus has their way of getting to different classes, club meetings, practices, games and various other activities. Some people, who live on the outskirts of campus, rely on the bus to get them from point A to point B.

There are the many bikers who like to ride not only around campus, but the entire city of Burlington. And then there are others who just simply like to walk.

However, let’s not forget about one specific group of people. The fearless, reckless, rugged and wild number of students on campus that like to make their way around on a piece of wood with four wheels: the skateboarders.

There’s always at least one skateboarder who makes getting to class harder. When I’m trying to get to class, one of them always feels the need to perform a trick that involves them flipping or jumping on the board, which then leads to them more than likely wiping out.

Every weekday, when I’m walking back from my math class in Perkins Hall, there is always a group of skateboarders congregated outside Grossman. They are constantly doing tricks and skating back and forth from the sidewalk to the road.

And hey, I give them credit for this. Being able to do those kind of tricks is very impressive. But I don’t think it is really appropriate to show off all these skills in between classes when people who are walking, biking or riding the bus are just trying to get by.

I think there should be a part of the road or sidewalk where skateboarders can ride to their classes in peace.

I certainly wish skateboarders could just take their skateboarding elsewhere but I also understand that currently there is no lane for skateboarders to take advantage of.

In no way do I believe skateboards should be banned. They are a very innovative way of getting around and entertaining oneself while at it.

However, until we can figure who should go where, it would be best that skateboarders be considerate of their environment.