The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

The University of Vermont's Independent Voice Since 1883

The Vermont Cynic

In frame: encampment day three

Annalisa Madonia
Protesters chant to gain attention during passing periods.
Protesters create signs. (Annalisa Madonia)
Protester’s hand covered in red paint. (Annalisa Madonia)
counter protesters and encampment protesters set up signs. (Alexandra Bodelle)
Protester kneels in encampment. (Annalisa Madonia)
Protesters use chalk to draw on the concrete outside of the Davis Center. (Annalisa Madonia)
Person gives a speech during a learn in meeting. (Alexandra Bodelle)
A protester holds a sign. (Alexandra Bodelle)
Protesters make noise with pans during passing periods. (Annalisa Madonia)
Encampment members create a makeshift ramp to increase accessibility.
(Annalisa Madonia)
Mega phones are used by protesters to chant. (Alexandra Bodelle)
Encampment members play the drums during passing periods. (Alexandra Bodelle)
A protest member holds up a sign during a passing period. (Alexandra Bodelle)
Signs hung around the encampment. (Annalisa Madonia)
Protester making bracelets with red, white, green and black thread. (Annalisa Madonia)
Protesters gather in the center of camp for meetings. (Annalisa Madonia)
Protesters create paintings to display throughout the encampment. (Annalisa Madonia)
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About the Contributor
Annalisa Madonia
Annalisa Madonia, Co-Photo Editor
(She/her)  Annalisa Madonia is a sophomore majoring in public communication with minors in food systems, applied design and nutrition and food sciences. She joined the Cynic as a staff photographer before taking on the role of photo editor. In her free time, she loves to combine her passion for baking and photography with food photography. Email [email protected] to get in contact with Annalisa.