To celebrate spooky season, the cynic illustrators were asked to draw the scariest costumes they could imagine.

Want to dress up as a frat boy? If you have the costume, smell like stale beer and practice the mannerisms, you’ll be more frightening than the new UVM logo.

Want to find a costume that will clear the roads? This two-person ride will make everyone around you run away in fear, allowing you to drive smoothly down the now-empty streets.

Toss out all your other costume ideas because this disgusting disguise is bound to give your friends a fright. If you’re looking for a quiet Halloween, your dirty-dish smell will ward off any unwanted company. It even comes with a bag to collect your treats, just don’t mind last years’ decomposing goodies.

If you want a truly terrifying costume that will leave every UVM student in your vicinity quaking in their boots, consider going as the Burlington housing market. Scary prices, scary competition and scary standards of living combine to make this uniquely spooky getup.