New dining contract released

Sodexo is operating fewer locations on campus and making room for more local businesses.

There have been some big changes in dining options, sustainability initiatives and real food goals at UVM, according to the 2015 dining contract.   

A Soyo Frozen Yogurt and a Vermont Bean Crafters Co. were added to the Marché, according the contract.

The contract will also allow UVM to remove one or more of Sodexo’s exclusive food service locations. The new contract discussed closing Cook Commons and replacing it with a new Central Campus residential dining location.

Sodexo will also be required to submit an annual program report to UVM including updates on customer satisfaction findings, and data relating to the Real Food Challenge and sustainability.

While the 2014 contact offered three meal plan options, the new contact only offers two.

The only options are residential dining open access and retail meal points plus.

The contract specifically states that Sodexo will need to have one yearly marketing and communications intern, one yearly sustainability intern and one yearly Real Food Challenge interns.